To help our patients further their understanding

of the parotid glands and delicate facial nerve, as well as prepare themselves for surgery, Dr. Larian and his team at the CENTER for Advanced Parotid & Facial Nerve Surgery have created the following educational resources, articles and guides.

4 Tips to Keep Your Parotid Glands Healthy

The parotid glands, also known as salivary glands, provide us with saliva, benefiting our overall oral and bodily health. Keeping these glands healthy is imperative to our well-being.

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The Anatomy of the Parotid Gland

The parotid glands each produce about 10% of the saliva in the mouth, but there is more to the parotid gland and the effects it has on your health.

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Mucocele & Ranula

A mucocele is a cyst-like lesion in your mouth, most commonly found at the surface of the lower lip.

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Salivary Gland Inflammation

Sialadenitis, or salivary gland inflammation, is an often painful bacterial infection of a salivary gland.

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Salivary Gland Stones

The development of tiny calcium deposits, or stones, within a salivary gland is called sialolithiasis, or salivary gland stones.

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Parotid Tumor

Both benign (non-cancerous) and cancerous salivary gland tumors may develop anywhere in the salivary glands, but the majority of them are parotid tumors.

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Parotid & Salivary Gland Info

The major salivary glands, three pairs in total, are found in and around your mouth and throat.

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Types of Tumors

Salivary gland tumors are abnormal cells growing in the ducts that drain the salivary glands.

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Instructions For Parotid Surgery & FAQ

During the first week after surgery patients feel well when they wake up in the morning but find that they get tired very easily.

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The Parotid Stone

A parotid stone in the salivary gland can make it very difficult for saliva to pass through the saliva ducts, causing extreme discomfort for the patient.

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Minimally Invasive Parotid Surgery

Patients who need a parotid tumor removed may have many questions regarding facial surgery.

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Can Cell Phone Use Cause a Parotid Tumor?

Cell phones have become a large part of contemporary culture so it is very easy to overlook the negative effects that it may have on our health.

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What is the Parotid Gland?

Gain an understanding of the definition and function of the parotid glands, as well as the complications that commonly affect this structure.

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Parotid Glands and Facial Paralysis

Further your education concerning facial paralysis – a rare but significant complication associated with parotid surgery.

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I have salivary stones… Do I need surgery?

Salivary gland stones, called sialolithiasis, are small calcium deposits that block the flow of saliva in the salivary glands.

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Saving the Facial Nerve during Parotid Surgery

Learn about the cutting-edge approach expert parotid surgeon, Dr. Larian, and leading facial nerve specialist, Dr. Azizzadeh, use to successfully save the delicate nerve during parotid surgery and preserve facial function.

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Parotid Surgery FAQs

It’s normal to have questions regarding your upcoming procedure. We have put together a list of frequently asked questions and answers about parotid surgery.

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Parotid Surgery Instructions

To ensure a swift recovery and promote healing following your procedure, please take a moment to review the CENTER’s parotid surgery instructions.

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The Parotid Gland and The Facial Nerve

Explore the intimate relationship between the parotid gland and the delicate facial nerve, and learn how these two important structures impact one another during surgery.

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Reasons why a parotid gland might not function correctly

Salivary gland health is important to bring to people’s attention because there are a number of different disorders that can occur in the parotid gland.

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Preventing Facial Paralysis during a parotid surgery

Tumors in the parotid gland tend form very close to and sometimes on top of the facial nerve, making parotid surgery a highly risky and sensitive type of surgery.

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Progressive Technique in the Spotlight

Once you have been diagnosed with a parotid tumor, it is imperative that you are aware of the different treatment options available to you.

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Why immediate medical attention is required for parotid tumors

Many people have or will experience swollen salivary glands at some point in their lifetime. However, a lump close to the ear that is around for longer that a couple weeks may be a parotid tumor and it is imperative that you seek medical attention from an experienced physician for diagnosis.

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Dr. Babak Larian

Dr. Babak Larian, a globally recognized board-certified head and neck surgeon with extraordinary expertise in micro-parotidectomy. He is deeply committed to the treatment of individuals affected by parotid disorders and calls upon an entire team of experts to ensure his patients receive the best care possible. His cutting-edge, minimally invasive approach to parotid removal provides incredibly high success rates and lower risks of complications.

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Dr. Babak Azizzadeh

Dr. Babak Azizzadeh, a Harvard-trained board-certified facial plastic and reconstructive surgeon who is world-renowned for his proficiency in the facial nerve preservation, ensuring that parotid surgery is both functionally and aesthetically successful. Having penned five textbooks and contributed to hundreds of medical journals and articles, Dr. Azizzadeh is largely considered to be a preeminent leader in his field.

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Dr. William H. Slattery

A board-certified head and neck surgeon, as well as an otology and neurotology specialist, Dr. Slattery has extensive experience evaluating, diagnosing and treating diseases of the parotid glands. With ample knowledge in cranial structures and facial nerve function and disorders, Dr. Slattery is fully qualified to ensure optimal outcomes for complex parotid removal cases.

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About the CENTER for Advanced Parotid & Facial Nerve Surgery

The treatment of parotid gland conditions is complex and extremely delicate. In addition to being intimately involved with the body’s critical nerves and structures, the parotid glands are also responsible for a host of important functions, including protecting the teeth from decay, initiating digestion and moisturizing the mouth. As such, successful treatment requires an experienced team of surgeon who can resolve the disease, maximize the glands’ function and preserve the associated nerves and structures.

Committed to a multidisciplinary approach, the CENTER provides our patients with unparalleled access to world-renowned specialists who can ensure the best possible treatment outcomes. With decades of experience and extensive expertise in head and neck surgery, reconstructive surgery, facial nerve preservation, and anesthesiology, our team is highly qualified to treat all aspects of parotid disease.


Call us at (310) 461-0300 to schedule an appointment.