A parotid stone in the salivary gland

can make it very difficult for saliva to pass through the saliva ducts, causing extreme discomfort for the patient. These stones are a rock-like substance formed by chemicals, debris, and/or calcium that can be lodged in the ducts of one of the three major salivary glands in the mouth. Dr. Larian and his team of salivary gland experts at the CENTER for Advanced Parotid & Facial Nerve Surgery located in Beverly Hills utilize the most cutting-edge, minimally invasive endoscopic procedures to remove a parotid stone that safely and effectively has a prompt, immediate improvement in the patient’s quality of life.

What is a Parotid Stone?

A parotid stone forms as a result of calcium deposits in the salivary gland; a condition also called sialolithiasis or salivary gland stones. The majority of the stones occur in the submandibular glands at the floor of the mouth block saliva flow into the mouth. This condition can also occasionally affect the parotid glands, located on both sides of the face, or the sublingual glands, located under the tongue.

A parotid stone may cause some of the following symptoms:

  • Dry mouth
  • Swelling on the side of the neck or face, especially after eating
  • Fever or chills
  • Reoccurring parotid gland infections or swelling

Who is at risk of developing a parotid stone?

Some people are more likely to develop a stone in their salivary gland than others. This includes those who:

  • Have experienced kidney disease
  • Are older
  • Suffer from Sjogren’s Syndrom
  • Have had radiotherapy in the neck or head
  • Have had trauma or sustained injury to the area.

The Best Parotid Stone Treatment

Your doctor may first treat your parotid stones with antibiotics to treat the infection that can accumulate behind the stone or the duct that is blocked. Massaging of the area and applying heat to the area may also be recommended by your physician. If these non-surgical treatments to not treat the parotid stone and infections continue to reoccur or the gland remains swollen, you may be a candidate for the sialoendoscopy, the minimally invasive procedure to remove a parotid stone. Chronic parotid gland stones that are too large and blocking the saliva duct can be removed at the duct opening using the latest endoscopic technology. Dr. Larian has a success rate of over 90% and has successfully restored normal saliva production to numerous patients who have endured these painful parotid stones.

Schedule a consultation
with the Parotid Stone Expert
in Beverly Hills Today!

The health of your parotid gland is important! Do not hesitate to contact the CENTER for Advanced Parotid & Facial Nerve Surgery in Beverly Hills if you think you may have a parotid stone. Call today to receive care from Dr. Larian, the top parotid surgeon in the country.


Call us at (310) 461-0300 to schedule an appointment.